The Other Side of Wonderland

The Other Side of Wonderland: 12 Backgrounds  alludes to reflections on a collection of photographs covering the first twelve years of the artist's daughter’s life. Using Butler's family album and Charles Dodgson("Lewis Carroll")'s photographs held at the National Media Museum, the work suggests shadows of past lives and encourages the discovery of past selves. It seeks to revive something of the astonishing being” as Bachelard describes in The Poetics of Reverie setting in motion a yearning for a place that escapes measured time, to unpick and to understand the reverie of childhood.

" I think of a photograph of my daughter by the sea, looking into the background behind her, the sky and sand remind me of places I have been, I have no clear sense of when or specifically where but more the faint recollection of a dream, I remember the taste and smell of the sea salt in the air. Colour envelops my thoughts as my lens scrutinises the grain and colour saturation that make the C-type print." Jacqueline Butler